This limited face-to-face learning preparation has been started from Saturday, October 2, 2021. The teachers and the head of education, Mr Thomas Agus Susilo, have talked together in a zoom meeting in order to talk thoroughly about it. This meeting was also accompanied by the supervisor of Kindergarten as well as Elementary School, Mr Agustinus Hardiyanto.

Grade 5 & 6 day of a limited face-to-face meeting

At 07.00 in the morning, the students of SD Strada Van Lith 1 have arrived at their lovely school. They were very excited to learn together with their friends.

The students were welcomed by the teachers of grades 1, 2, & 3. Before entering the school, the students had to be sprayed with a disinfectant in the disinfectant spray booth, doing the temperature check, washing hands before entering the classroom.

In the class, the teacher explored the learning material in a blended learning way. The students in the class greeted the students at home and vice versa. Here, the students that were attending the school were very excited to be in the school and to see their friends at home.

Learning in such conditions (covid-19) was extremely dangerous, so strict implementation of health protocols was no longer negotiable.

In the class, everything was to be in the rule of health protocols.  Drinking, taking turns to the toilet, no break time, no eating together were one of those rules. Moreover, going home after school was also in the rule of health protocols, so going home would be done in a different span of time of 10 minutes.

The students were directed to the school gate by the teachers and they were picked up by their parents.


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